Archive for May, 2011
The Human Baud Repeater
My wish is to be inside a pixel.
I also want to translate ascii to baudot.
I also want to translate nonverbal communication into code.
The earliest standard character encoding to facilitate the transmission of data (basic text messages)
baudot – (1870, Emile Baudot, International Telegraph Alphatbet 1)
-a bit ironic to use because as soon as ascii was invented (which sent 7 or 8 bits per character) a keyboard was more suited than a five key system (similar to a piano keyboard).
-transmitters typed at 30 words per minute
-radio based teleprinters, 20th C
-US Army (1940s), weather transmission, Western Union teletype
A character set, to represent each character in the alphabet as a series of 5 bits, with a shift symbol to represent capitals/special characters, and control characters characters (carriage returns and linefeeds). It is made to transmit information over radio signal or telegraph tower.
perforated copy of the message on tape
Baud rate:
number of symbol changes made to the transmission medium per second (measured in symbols/second)
Carriage return 00100
Line feed 11011
Shift to figures 11111
Shift to letters 00010
ASCII: 1963 – 7 bit encoding scheme
human relay / repeater:
Swan Lake repeater, Winema NF