Gabriella Levine

ongoing and past work
Archive for March, 2012

faces faces faces

FaceBank_work in progress

Protei on Instructables

See the entire instructables here

BLINK detection –> blinding LIGHT

code here

I like the concept of always trying to reach something, or always trying to see something, but you cannot penetrate barrier in order to reach / see it. In a sense, something only occurring when you blink, to me seems like you straddle the threshold of perception… well, i dunno. I have to develop this more and figure out what it actually is I’m trying to see that I never can

Here is a video of me testing my blink mechanism then trying to implement it in the dark, as I thought that would be dramatic. However, there was a delay in the dark, as I guess the camera vision was more difficult.

A few tests with others:


for the fusebox festival, payphone revival project, in austin texas

using a mp3 trigger, and getting into the matrix circuit behind the keypad (luckily the phone was OPEN and not locked) we’re going to allow people to pick up the phone

The payphone is so much simpler than I thought! the coin slot is just a bunch of gears, then the circuitry for the buttons and the receiver etc… nice

So I soldered some wires onto the already working switch so when the receiver is picked up a dial tone plays, then working on the matrix to activate different tracks when I button is pressed


the mp3 trigger is pretty simple with a micro sd card, FAT 16 formatted (<2 gb)- either it can be digitally controlled, by closing the switch on pins 0-17 (which switches between 18 tracks), Or it can interface with arduino serially. [gallery]


Following the below circuit, I made used a transformer to make a variable voltage DC power supply, from 0-32 V. Here is the link:

This was from Eric Rosenthal’s Basic Analog Circuit class

Snake Motion Protei

wireless video from analog security cam

My 2.4 GHz xbee was interfering with my wireless camera, also transmitting at 2.4 gHz. So I wired up my analog security cam to a 950 MHz transmitter, and the receiver displayed on the LCD screen quite nicely.

seeed studio

Thanks for helping support Protei_010 by supplying parts, like servos, microcontrollers, servo brackets, sensors, IOIO boards, etc…

more joint work

To summarize: I started experimenting with making my own joints and ribs, by cutting corrugated plastic ribs, and 3d printing universal joints at AMS. Then, my intention was to use springs and servos to enact articulation.

However, I started using u-joint servo brackets, that are super stable, and I will continue with this.
Here is the code I finally got to work. Basically, I am storing a table of values, a formula for a sin wave, and each servo is at a different index along the wave values, oscillating up and down. I can therefore control wavelength, speed of the wave propagation, offset from one servo to another, amplitude of the wave, etc.

int total = int(TWO_PI/0.01);//total number of indexes points, points
//until the amplitude is back to zero

float[] wave = new float[total];//array for the amplitude of the
//object to be drawn betwen 0 and ht

int numBalls = 40;
int[]index= new int[numBalls];// 1 = 0;//
int sp = 1;
float ht=1;
//changer = 10;
void setup() {
size(800, 400);
float a = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < wave.length; i++) {
wave[i] = map(sin(a), -1, 1, 0, 180);
for (int i = 0; i < index.length; i++) {

index[i] = i*5;

void draw() {

for (int i=0;i<numBalls;i++) {
ellipse(i*20, ht*wave[index[i]], 10, 10);
index[i] = (sp*index[i]+1) % wave.length;


void keyPressed(){
ht = ht-0.5;



The Human Repeater performance, !s!w at 319 scholes gallery

PAYPHONE REVIVAL for fusebox festival

Kate Watson and I will install a payphone at long branch bar in austin tx:

Payphone revival project in April: for fusebox festival