Gabriella Levine

ongoing and past work
Nature of Code

Surface Automotives is a website where people can easily connect and share rides. It is widely used throughout the world. Each day, there are about 10,000 ride share requests just in the United States. I’m using data from both short commuter ride requests as well as longer travel ride requests. This sketch is a representation of the rides occurring each day, with the temporal resolution adjusted so that each car particle leaves its home and travels to its destination when clicked on, or at random intervals.

I am pulling the ride requests each day – after visualizing the cars laid out geographically, I noticed a lot of activity in cities, especially in the coastal regions. There are many more short term ride requests, and many overlapping rides. I wanted initially to create an interactive map that the user could zoom into easily.

I decided to decontextualize the rides from their geographical setting in order to perhaps derive some new insight. So I assigned each car a city, and can arrange the cities in a line, in a circle, in order of population…

I plotted it on google maps, but wanted to make the car particles “alive” and mobile.
So without an API (google made it difficult for me to get the gps coordinates as strings) I’m using Python and a data set from of zipcodes converted to GPS lats and longitudes, to parse
“98337,98409| 33063,33442| 95602,95821| 95123,94043| 90815,92618| 90815,92618| 90815,92618| 07060,07054| 92603,90731| P0E1G0,L4N2M3| 94117,94941| 01778,01748| 90813,92626| 20720,20004| 08724,07016| 18360,11050| ”


122.071562 47.895381 SNOHOMISH WA 122.200571 47.988431 EVERETT WA
78.390533 40.50524 ALTOONA PA 78.586068 40.460779 CRESSON PA
78.091224 38.233937 MONTFORD VA 77.093197 38.887103 ARLINGTON VA
71.35741 42.287476 NATICK MA 71.125611 42.377045 CAMBRIDGE MA
83.279236 42.643856 PONTIAC MI 83.282892 42.822272 OXFORD MI

-Adjust the speed and the graphics (cars, houses, garages)
-web app, temporal accuracy
-Take into account the size of the cities
-Show route information better
-Heat map? other effective visualization tools?
-Interesting information about carpooling and sharing (individual cities, per capita, cartogram? different modes of city arrangement)

–>Biggest thing I got out of it:
What can I learn from data? How can I represent it differently to extract different patterns?

Some iterations I went through:


(Before I figure out speed I have to reduce the data set)

Ideas? follow a 3d path / steering method; text clarity; binning; experiment with L systems or recursion as I scale, and from day to day? sound?

NOC with names, updating once per day

I would like to : get the cars to follow a 3d path, think more about how they will interact, fix the letters, possibly integrate a better map system to make it more informative?

NOC stuff

NOC from here on out

I probably will make these points move:
as well as continue what I did for the midterm with libraries and force fields

NOC midterm

Here’s a link to the screen recording

I went through many iterations of this project. This is what I ended up with. I would like to input bloodline datasets as well as using libraries to make biological animations of bodily functions.

see the applet

Here are some images of what I was working on:

NOC new direction

using my carpool data (which I finally cleaned up using Python and now have nice OOP Processing sketch to work with, I’d like to get my small objects to move and interact with each other…

some more NOC work to work on

here’s something I’m working on, but many steps to go – I shall also use real origin and destination data
And I have to fix the spring like motion, give the creatures tails, make the Particle Systems interact, give an outside attractor etc…

NOC HW Applet Links

tried to make one object do what I wanted, then many objects do what I want, then put them together: much more work to do… (i want a bunch of sperms attracted to one egg)

one sperm

many things moving wth tails that are unattached from their bodies and don’t look like tails

Here’s one thing moving:

and here’re many things moving:

nature of code, HW – sperm meets egg?

More work with Vectors and Forces

see the applet here
Here are some photos of the work

First assignment

There were many similar iterations made, but I’d like to give it a waggy tail

I would eventually like to make an animation of the bodily systems, and make animations of life systems and reoccuring patterns in nature.
I have to figure out why this excites me, but it does: