my first (and most banal) madlib – beginning of assignment one
my first stab at learning Python:
hi my name is gabby and i like to go junk sorting
madLib.py document:
name=raw_input(“name: “);
activity = raw_input(“activity: “)
print “hi my name is “, name, “and I like to “, activity
First assignment
There were many similar iterations made, but I’d like to give it a waggy tail
I would eventually like to make an animation of the bodily systems, and make animations of life systems and reoccuring patterns in nature.
I have to figure out why this excites me, but it does:
Animals and a portrait of one
This is a portrait of the Ajolote, or the Mexican mole worm. This lizard is of the Amphisbaenia (legless) suborder of squamates, or scaled lizards. —qualities:
Proj. Dev. studio – project idea
An exploratory project about timing and computers, specifically related to sound:
I would like to explore sound, how it is represented with data, and demonstrate how is produced digitally by making a physical interface with which people can manipulate the sample rate of a signal.
Bit rate = (sampling rate) x (bit depth) x (number of channels)
Sampling rate: the number of samples per second (or per other unit) taken from a continuous signal to make a discrete signal.
Audio bit depth: the number of bits of information recorded for each sample. Bit depth directly corresponds to the resolution of each sample in a set of digital audio data. Common examples of bit depth include CD quality audio, which is recorded at 16 bits, and DVD-Audio, which can support up to 24-bit audio.
Bit rate the bits of data transferred and received each second
By making a physical interface that people can interact with, I want to allow people to be responsible for sample rate (I was thinking they could push a button over and over rapidly, but no matter what, the sample rate will be WAY TOO SLOOOOW). Perhaps a lever would work. Cell phones / walkie talkie transmission uses a sample rate of 8,000 Hz. I would like to design a way that two people can interact, or one person can interact with a device / a computer and manipulate the timing that a computer asks for incoming data.
This next part maybe is less hashed out:
I would also like to make an interface that allows people to change the resolution of recorded samples, and see how it affects the audio quality. I would like to make a display using light and/or color to show the relationship of difference in resolution possibilities with different bit depths.
FECPW – What I want to built (class 1)d
I have already started this using Processing, but I’d like to build a this as a dynamic site, possibly using googlemaps:
A map of the US, showing car pool requests:
Something that ends up looking like this (Ben Fry’s zipdecode map of zip codes is a nice template)
And it’d be able to zoom:
And it will look something, really roughly, like Linked In’s InMap to visualize your links as a network diagram. (In other words, it will have two dots, and a line connecting them. For starters…
For starters, I’d like to create a wiki, for something, maybe carpool requests, that takes people’s current address and adds it correctly to a google map or some other map interface, and shows it nicely :