1. The biomimetic example I love – Esplanade Theatre in Singapore
Singapore is a tropical country, where heat has been one of the biggest challenges for architects. Esplanade Theatre’s Durian-like design uses its mental spikes to keep out of the heat. In addition to the Durian-like design’s advantage of providing shades, the typical tropical fruit also represents Singapore’s geographical traits and culture well. I love it because it was great to learn the nature’s beauty from Durian’s ugly or even scary appearance.
2. The biomimetic example I hate – Bird’s Nest Stadium in Beijing, China
Despite for the aesthetic appeal of the bird’s-nest-like design, which does not represent China or Beijing particularly clear, the biomimicry does not serve any functional needs. Instead, the architect has to find a special metal for supporting and controlling the temperature. I hate it because the biomimicry used here does not solve any problems but create more, losing the core of biomimicry.