Posts Tagged ‘protei’
Unreasonable at Sea day 46
Workshop 19
The beginning of April there will be an event in Washington DC – It will be called Unreasonable at State. This is epic. So we will fly from Barcelona to US. Soon we will go into : how to GENERATE buzz – there is a NEW way; social media. That’s good. I’m curious to brainstorm on this.
Then what we did was brainstorm companies that we should make contacts to.
Prototyping book of Tom Chi
1. what he desired
2. what the user desires
3. how those overlap
4. main media, 1 is a book, 1 is a website; first version of the book which will feed into the website, share with each other, the output tells us how to improve the book; machine learning mechanism: web 4.0 -against singularity to counter human intelligence
-smartclass – html5 objects get pumped into what looks like a graphic novel
Later in the evening, we had a brainstorm session with Cynthia, diving into how we could develop our business plan.
Unreasonable at Sea day 45
This is the route we took for the day. First we went to the Real Food Cafe to have a meeting with Vivian Liu, founder of Philanthropy Works. Then we head to IIX, Impact Investment Exchange & Shujog, the founder of whom is Cesar’s friend.
From there we head to the WWF offices to pick up a package from David Lim, that Cesar had delivered to his house.
And then we rushed over to the mall at dhoby ghaut MRT (Although quickly stopped at the SingPost to mail packages we’d been to meet Sim Kai, from Control WOrks, a Singapore based startup developing telepresence platform. Sim Kai is a friend of Tom Clayton (CEO of Singapore based Bubble Motion, a super awesome mentor on the ship).
We ate dinner and had a “townhall”. Then I worked out and went to sleep.
Unreasonable at Sea day 44
On the way out to the pitch, after we had gotten through customs with equipment for testing, the r/c sailboat, etc, Laura told us that we had to return to the ship to work with the Press who wanted to film Protei.
So we put Protei in the pool. With Opflex
Finally we got outside and head to the INSEAD .
Cesar and I pitched:
The questions we god from the 4 judges: What are your competitors? How much is your boat selling for?
–>Protei offers : affordability, replicability, and scalability compared to other ocean drones, such as Liquid Robotics. It is open-source, it is 200 times cheaper, and can carry more payload.
The “winner” of the pitch event (competition) as deemed by the judges was Aquaphytex. We got the award for being the best “social” platform. or something like that…
Then we head to the after party
<h1>La Pau Sat</h1>
And got some late night snacks
<h1>the next day</h1>
Unreasonable at Sea day 43
WORKSHOP 18; Tom Clayton (and Megan Smith) advice on Fund Raisng
This was a really cool session. Firstly, it was technical and from experience. So I learned a lot of new terms and details. He also went around the room and briefly found out where each company was in the scheme of things (fund-raising-wise). It was very good to hear some technical details about fundraising, along with some advice on what works / what doesn’t, as well as hear where each company was. The engagement heightens when we all go around the room briefly and address the real issues of each company individually.
Some notes:
99% of investors in the early stage want to invest within driving distance where they are located
You are competing against old established brands. When going to private institional investors and you mention social entrepreneurship, it usually means they will tone out. all they care about is returns, not doing good.
Laura’s question –>how do you talk credibly if your company doesn’t yet have numbers; so that you can tell a story and aren’t measured by the numbers
Grants: tax efficient grants are available in china and elsewhere, those are the types of startups attracted to singapore – clean bio / clean water
-become a darling in singapore: get unlimited visas, import your talent; 19 companies from all over the world; best developers – from china philipines, cost of living is high but tax is SUPER low; 2% taxes; housing, schools and alcohol and cars;
-make less in terms of net income; But he said that prototyping costs are the same anywhere… huh? prototyping the same as anywhere?
Singapore is se asia hub for financing; sub 1 mil dollar; great for early stage companies
–>you are never raising financing: i.e. play hard to get
–DONT say I NEED money – don’t say that you are in a strapped position
-being domicile in the us is important for us investors; early stage; ton of angel investors there
-dont do a joint venture – getting a sales and marketing partner, good
you have to do one in china to operate
DONT take any loans, which will be like a big anchor you are carrying – cause you have to service this debt
EQUITY means believeing in your vision
loan says: you are all alone
grant says: you’ve convinced me that i’m humanitarian and i should give you this money rather than school because you will affect more people that someone else
–how you capitalize becomes strategic – we need help because we are still figuring out our product – put money into THAT phase
–Even if you don’t get funding from the people you meet, definitely continue to send them a NEWSLETTER or something to keep up potential investors
How much you ask for: how much money do i actually need: what is the absolute, scrappiest; then ask for .3 more
Google made a mistake : They didn’t hire or build fast enough; They didn’t build data set fast enough; There was very well used money but it didn’t grow enough
–if you are deeply undercapitalized and starving, you don’t have margin. if you really think about scaling and impact you cannot be starving
meeting with Andrea from SAP on developing a business model
how are you going to go to market, how are you going to sell it / pitch it
—who is the money giver and who is the end user
-what is the unmet need; where does the big money come from
KEY METRICS – how will you evaluate success? What is your goal
–>unique value proposition; new technology and open source; cheap; THAT is our unfair advantage
CHANNELS – how are you going to get the message out, take to market? Much harder at the consumer level
–sell units; sell kits / accessories; sell data; consulting; contracts
call it something instead of hobbyists – design challenge – inventors; software / hardware innovators
meeting with Tom Clayton
Unreasonable at Sea day 42
Our room was very messy (classroom 1). If our ship got an inspection, we would fail because of our room. It is interesting what happens if people have 1 place to work but the function of the work space expands into more of a living space so Shira iterated the rule: NO food in this room ever
in 2 days we arrive to singapore, and at 11 AM we take the bus to the event, which begins roughly at 2 PM; It is a pitch event; practice your slides. get the timing right. This should be the biggest, coolest event with good people. PRACTICE Pecha Kucha style
Then VIP dinner 7-9 PM; exact location TBD; bus after dinner arranged to take you back to ship; The 2nd day is free. day 1 fancy
Today Cesar is working mostly with BBC.
ANDREA from SAP: she was a rock and roll tour manager, working with credit management, calling people for money. Now she works on the Deisgn services team to teach the team design thinking
BIG QUESTION: can we provide people with case studies and to show them this “design thinking” actually works?
used to work in the automotive restoration business, buying and selling classic cars. He met his wife on SAS, and so did his brother.
He grew up in oakland, started an online dvd business. Now he works with Bubble Motion, an online social media engine, and now there are offices in tokyo, vietnam, thailand, seoul, manilla.
–>In the classroom, for the students in George’s design entrepreneurship class –
PROTEI:design an online catalog experience for scientist / hackers to participate in the open source movement – three rounds = go to one, rotate and interact with three groups of students
-help hackers understand the potential of protein
-help discvoer kits hackers want to build their own
-help them understand how the sailing robots work
-help build a user scenario for engaging communities and inventors to build their own boats
–what are the components; who are the scientist / hackers? ex of websites -seeed, arduino; diy drones; adafruit; sparkfun; github; littleBits
these are insights we might get:
-who and how would use them
-how do you talk about what you do?
-components / sensitivities for pricing
-what do people want
-help discover kits for people who want to build their own
-how to kitify a product like ours?
Andrea from SAS:
we all like to solve problems, whether you’re coding / designing – but you must hone in on your user
–>Actually have the audience engaged; having a good focus is a good starting point – don’t build everything for everyone
->who it is for?
->what they will use it for?
1 . engineer who likes to hack things together outside of work,; he has built little artsy projects on the side and played with remote control helicopters likes flying UAV’s and has built his own helicopter like the DIY drones helicopter using tutorials from; he has played with remote control boats only a little bit but the idea of having one that has modular electronics so that he could update them and upgrade them to sail autonomously, that is exciting; He is also excited by the fact that this boat is developed into a larger concept that takes into account that it might be able to actually clean up the oceans eventually; He would be most excited about putting a camera on the boat and making it operable from his computer so he can see a real time camera feed and direct / drive the boat using the camera feed
-he has slight interest in ocean preservation but not really all that much;
-more excited in video games, and he does happen to be a vegetarian; He has a wife who works in education / government; he lives in california, bay area;
-Defer judgement; Encourage wild ideas (perhaps post its); if you have an active group and everyone starts yelling – BUILD on the ideas of others
-be a moderator “collect” all of the post its ? Stay focused on the topic – one voice at a time; Be Visual; go for quantity
-doodling, misinterpretation is good
-build consensus beforehand so people don’t just build their own little prototype
-story boarding is helpful
Tom Chi prototyping session
known knowns, knowns unknowns, unknown unknowns
how you process internally, how you communicate it to others; find a logical way to organize it but the right way? How you arrange projects based on passion and energy
–Project management allowing : pick something you’re excited about, exponential build up (1 day, 4 day, 16 day)
Protei’s challenge to the class:
Protei can do things like clean up the oceans; can use the power of proliferation to grow the product from the bottom up; Protei is outreaching to an open source communities of hackers; What are the ways to engage collective action?
–>design an online catalog experience so the open source community of inventors can understand what the kitified version is, what is Protei, develop some user scenarios, and think about the interaction of a good website that sells an interesting product; Open source call to action to hackers, kids, sailing enthusiasts, gov’t agencies, scientists: for example: NIKEID customizable Nike shoes
Fireside Chat with Megan Smith from GoogleX
networks – ideas become adjacent , through the internet things become adjacent
FARC; alliance of youth movements; only 30% of the world is mapped; soon, all world knowledge will be available for free
Then she mentioned some other stuff:
KHAN; FIRST ROBOTICS; mobile payment markets; Talent inclusion; women,, a new series – women represent 17 percent of leadership; Ada lovelace – 1940’s mechanical computer
And finished with: what are you really good at what can you bring, what are you passionate about?
Unreasonable at Sea day 39-41
Today we woke up and we went to grab a bunch of stuff that we needed. We first went to the electronics store which is a whole “warehouse” area with a bunch of electronics and other stuff mixed in, like hardware stores and stuff. Although it is perhaps really cheap, it is somewhat difficult to find specific items. Bargaining is important.
As we returned and approached the ship, I realized how much dirt had drifted down with the current! And it grew over the course of the day, so much.
And then we built / redid the boat in preparation for tomorrow, testing Protei in the water in Vietnam. I fixed the battery packs that have corroded
and finally, we were able to integrate the arduino microcontroller motor shield with the electronics and the winches.
Then we realized the sun was coming up:
We head out with boat and bike and equipment and media team. And yay to the year of the dragon.
First we walked to a “lake” as per the “offline maps”. But we saw no lake, only this:
We met lymai, a very kind generous woman from this small village who had moved to Australia. Now she was home for the holidays, but she was so kind to help us find some water body.
Her daughter was here also, as was her sister.
and we met some kids We took a water sample, then head off the lake ho tri anh.
We drove two hours north to the lake. The roads got emptier, but the biking was a bit faster.
So we arrived and got the boat ready for testing.
And here we took some water samples with the opflex
And then we started sailing:
Then we head back, and grabbed some pho after we returned the bikes. Then we went back to the ship, went to sleep, and overslept a little bit until the next day.
We each gave our pitches and Tom Chi gave a workshop. The workshop was somewhat interesting, People seemed to have a bit of trouble adhering to the time boundaries during the 26 minute prototyping session, and were asking lots of questions rather than beginning to prototype. But we got some information that was helpful : it is difficult to start a company, takes a long time in Vietnam, lots of legal overhead, and you have to find a Vietnamese partner; Penetrating the government in order to get permission to market and implement our technology is also slow and not so easy; There are a lot of companies including NGO’s that are trying to implement preventative techniques around spaces where industries are causing water pollution due to runoff;
Then we went out to lunch at Phong Tra Khong Ten with Milton Hagler & Anh-Tuan Le from Living Simple, Nicolas Griffon from Godet Antarctica Icy Cognac…
Finally we returned to the ship, bought some weird crackers before doing so, had a “bbq” on the ship, and then in the morning, worked a little bit to wrap up Vietnam, then took off in the morning for Singapore.
ALSO just some reminiscent stuff from Japan:
Unreasonable at Sea day 37
We stayed up most of the night after having a few meetings.
That evening, we went out to dinner with … at Xu
We stopped into the boat store:
People love boats and people love remote control cars. Good place for protei…
Then we went back to the boat
Unreasonable at Sea day 38
Today was fun. It is nice to stay on ship, super empty and quiet. I caught up on a little bit of work, uploaded all the safecast data, took care of some other stuff, dealt with some of the legal / admin meetings for Protei Inc with NY .
Work with f palette: alt=”IMG_7789smfx”>
The most exciting: We rented a motorbike for us to travel with. WOO.
We rode around just to get used to it first. It is super fun to drive. THen we went to the gallery where Truc-anh exhibits and we saw so many of his paintings.
We god some yummy pho then ended up getting lots of teas and we ate some expensive street squid (dried and grilled and dipped in sauce)
We parked our bikes in True-anh’s garage for the night
Unreasonable at Sea day 36
I woke up, worked out, did some work, and then it started to feel as if we were approaching Vietnam. Here’s why:
Minh gave a small presentation on Vietnam and Cambodia citing Angelina Jolie as the new Cambodian citizen because of her generous gifts to the country and citizens there.
Then Cesar and I walked around the city in attempt to find:
1. cheap electronics
2. tee shirts (I’m running super low on clothing)
3. The shared workspace, called The Start Network
There are tons of motor bikes, packed with 3,4 and 5 people. Generally, the entire family.
We went into a temple where there were many people who seemed to be praying and we lit some incense.
We took out 2 million Dong from the ATM, and felt rich. That’s about 100 USD?
And Cesar made a mistake of calling the MV Explorer SAS SHIP a BOAT which earns you 5 pushups.
Cesar vs. Gabriella
In the evening we went out into the insanely crowded center of city, and met some friends for dinner. Friends included Cesar’s friend from Paris, Trucanh, who is an artist, and coincidentally, Michel from V2_ , who we know from V2_ in Rotterdam summer 2011.
It is insanely crowded in the streets, and there are an insane amount of motor bikes. Basically, hold your breath and cross the street, and walk at a steady pace.
ANd, The entire city is super colorful
Unreasonable at Sea day 35
Most of this workshop was dedicated to working on a set of questions to ask students that they will engage with as part of their design thinking course, with George Kembal. Each entrepreneur will design a project challenge to put in front of the class. So we discussed how we think about and identify project challenges that we put in front of others. So a challenge for us is: how do we think about and identify project challenges that we can put in front of others?
Basically, we are commissioning the project from the students, as if we were the client, and the students are working on it for a grade. There will be a project critique and final presentation which we will have to present at, but the rest is the work of the students. So for us, this will be practice for what it is like to frame projects: usually you’ll get insight, and we will see the benefits of having others work on your projects.
THE PARAMETERS for the creative design challenge:
1. it should be human centric and broad
2. the scope should not be too big
3. leave room for “need finding
4. Give some significance for the challenge (ie make it real)
The rest of the day we spent prepping our slides for Singapore (pecha kucha style) and Vietnam (10 slides, 20 seconds each). We had the typical pre-port reception in the Glazer lounge with “vietnamese” food, and I did the deck of cards workout with Evan and Daniel.
Unreasonable at Sea day 33
Today we had workshop 15. We were introduced to the new mentors on board, including Z Holly, an engineer and Tech Entrepreneur, Abi from Nike Foundation UK, Ken Banks from Frontline SMS, and Bernard, from Microsoft XBox Kinect.
Then we moved into our “huddle” teams, and discussed: how did you take advantage of our time in china, how was it beneficial? how will you iterate for Vietnam? What are the things that worked? What are the things that didn’t work? What are the new questions? What are the insights that were raised?
Our team huddle is composed of Daniel, Gurugi, EvoTech, and AquaPhytex.
Protei’s main goals for Vietnam include: stay near port in Ho Chi Minh, catch up on work. Here is our near future work expectations:
Due to the holidays in Vietnam, most everything will be closed, but if we could connect with manufacturers to learn the manufacturing landscape / price, scientists / environmentalists involved / knowledgeable about water related issues in Vietnam that would be helpful
Then we had the first book co-writing / brainstorming session with Tom Chi to produce a book all about him and his work, with the ultimate goal of helping others to the maximum potential.
Later that evening, a student from SAS who is good at making shapes out of balloons came by to Classroom one and started a balloon session.
DP – Wi-Fi from gabriella levine on Vimeo.
From there a dance party started. Many students joined in.
From there, a kinect / xbox dance revolution dance-off began.
kinect – Wi-Fi from gabriella levine on Vimeo.
Unreasonable at Sea day 34
Today was Lucille’s (tom chi’s wife) birthday and we gave her a Protei Sweatshirt. Tom yesterday had made a nice card for her with a drawing of her face.
We formed a quick Huddle about “what are your goals in port of Ho Chi Minh”?
For Protei: catch up on work: china / japan report, license, website, logistics / admin / accountancy
-find out about activism around water related issues, coastal issues about chemicals in the water; people who know about chemical runoff etc (academics? )
-find out about manufacturing landscape in vietnam, including cost and accessibility
Abi from Nike Foundation led a session about Branding.
Some of her messages:
you are keepers of your own brand; use your intuition; have a bit of a brief;
1. what is your brand’s genetic code: it’s DNA – think Values?
2. Who is your core audience, how do you resonate with them?
3. Who are you – what are your human attributes: good, bad AND the ugly, ie what is your “personality”
4. What do you stand for: be clear, stay true
5. Do you have a mantra? or a mission?
–>starting with your audience helps
-how will your brand affect the values of your company?
6. hat are you good at? not everything – promise and deliver one thing only
7. Who are your friends, that define you or connect you;
8. Be your own guardian, truest your intuition
Then we had the 2nd Tom Chi Brainstorming session for the book. Here Cesar has started the documentation.
kidsboat – Wi-Fi from gabriella levine on Vimeo.
Later in the evening was a reception upstairs to welcome new folks on the ship, with some “vietnamese” food and drink.
Unreasonable at Sea days 27-31
DAY 27
And we got off the ship and had about an hour to walk around Shanghai
And I am continuing to measure radioactivity in Shanghai:
Finally we arrived at Innovation Works:
Once we got settled we got some food at a Sichuan restaurant: Totally greasy.
Then the event started: . We each gave our 3 minute pitch:
… then moved into the workshop. with the media crew as active as ever
We met David Li from the Shanghai Hackerspace. I wish I would have been able to visit Xin Che Jian but we felt compelled to fly immediately to Shenzhen, as there was the New Year’s celebration starting pretty soon, which would prevent us from meeting with seeed Studios and other companies due to their closing early.
Then eventually we left, and head over to the afterparty. Shanghai is super bright: and some stray cats
I met up with Timmy and Lexie
Then Cesar and I head to the airport. We decided that we should take off the “safecast” names from our geiger counter, in case I got searched while in transport, and instead we should put on the name of a university. So that’s what we did.
DAY 28
In the airplane, the radioactivity levels were pretty high:
It was interesting to me to see a map with America all tiny on the right side, and Asia-centric visually.
Then we got to the airport and asked for directions to the part of Shenzhen where there are electronics.
And we got directions to a hotel:
Funny subway tokens: And still measuring radioactivity on the subway
We went to the hotel then we head over to the Chaihuo hacker space and met Hao and his girlfriend.
He showed us his Mind controlled helicopter:
DAY 29
First thing we head to SEEED Studios
We met Leslie, Hao, and Violet. And had a big tour of the place. Here are all the parts:
and some of the manufacturing of PCB’s
And they are trying to make arduino more accessible to artists so made this funky arduino:
and they’re developing some more robot-like stuff:
What we realized is that they can help us with the manufacturing and distribution of electronics (PCB’s, motor controllers, motors, sensors, communication), but the more mechanical parts of the robotics we will have to source elsewhere (mast – carbon fiber, hull – polycarbonate). Seeed Studios is one of my favorite open source hardware distributors and manufacturers. It is an honor to work with them.
We also see that if they are selling the car robot for about 160 USD, the electronics are quite similar to that of the boat’s (two dc motors with encoders). So, we have therefore lowered the price of Protei’s estimated retail value.
We went out to a really awesome Cantonese traditional restaurant for lunch.
We left and got some weird snacks that were a piece of wood or something
All over china we saw tons of motorbikes
We head to try to get to the water of Shenzhen, on the sea side. At first we got lost and instead found a crazy hotel
When we finally found the way to the beach, we grabbed some funny fruits.
Then walked around on the beach
and we ate some beautiful and delicious fruit
And some DISGUSTING fruit although I’m not sure what it was. It was definitely pungent.
As we left, it was evident that the entire city was decked out for New Year’s.
The city of Shenzhen is brightly lit and I love it.
Back at the hotel, we did work and went for a funny midnight snack:
DAY 30
The next morning we went to HAXLR8R to visit Cyril. It is a really cool hardware incubator program. They are helping companies develop their product in order to reach the market, manufacture, and distribute (and succeed). The super cool thing about them is how hands on they seem to be, with feedback directly related to the product design and production choices.
Then we went to the electronics market but unfortunately by then there were many shops that were closed for the new year’s.
So many funny copies of stuff:
That day we spent some time in the electronics market, we bought a PC for Protei to use. We bought it in a 3 story giant shop that has probably 3000 computers for sale, every vendor competing for the customer. Bargaining is hugely useful. Anyway, then we head to Hong Kong, for a late dinner with Dawa Ma and Maquin & the family. It was an amazing house and really cool to be there. Then we all got makeovers.
DAY 31
HONG KONG mingling event & workshop
In the morning we took the train from Maquin’s into the downtown Hong Kong near the Harbor where our boat was parked, to the Hong Kong Marco Polo Hotel. We had a few minutes to grab some breakfast… at McDonald’s. I had heard that McD’s in China was a cool experience but is was mostly fancy and western and sort of gross.
We had a 30 second pitch each, then spent about an hour mingling with local folks at the private room in the 6th floor restaurant in the Marco Polo Hotel, then we walked back to the ship for a on-ship workshop with Tom Chi on rapid prototyping. There were mostly students from Hong Kong high schools attending. Amruth had the genius idea that we should all “switch” teams that we present. In other words, instead of presenting our own projects, we each pitched another company. Protei pitched Damascus Fortune. Solar Ear pitched Protei.
MovieProteiTendy – Wi-Fi from gabriella levine on Vimeo.
Then Tom Chi got going: . Eventually, we ended up breaking into groups of students and going through a rapid prototyping session.
What we came up with was a giant amusement park composed of a GIANT robot on the water of which people control individual segments to propel it forwards.
Finally we went out to dinner, led by Catlin and Scott from One Earth Designs. For the new years, Hong Kong was all lit up.
We finally got to the building, and I was astonished at high UP the traffic of people spreads. In New York, things are spread horizontal. But here, they are spread vertically. People ride the elevators in each building to every floor, and the crowds continue. In New York, I’m used to office cubicles being stacked on top of the masses. Here it’s masses atop masses.
Riding up the elevators, we finally arrived.
Afterwards, we head to the 47th (?) floor of a building to drink some drinks and overlook hong kong.
Unreasonable at Sea day 26
So – instead of deciding to take a motor bike from Shanghai down to Hong Kong, we realized that we need to get there ASAP – reason is:
it is the Chinese new Years starting on the 9th. Therefore, companies are starting to take vacation on the 7th. We REALLY want to meet Seeed studios and other companies that can give us leads and insight into manufacturing and sourcing electronics in China.
workshop 13:
Goals: for company, port, connections
Objectives: connections:
For company:
1. see manufacturing capabilities
2. see the market – what is it like in China for parts we might be looking for? for industry, like robotics
3. What are creative tech teams like in China and how would Protei fit in
who: provider for vacuum forming; embassy : chamber of commerce; hong kong or shanghai
3 minute pitches in Shanghai: 3 minute element – keep human element, insight about your tech; what makes it different so that it’s going to work
slides due tomorrow at 8 am
google x; pentacle of pentacle of the pentacle, but one billion people that don’t have access to the basics, so going back to the bottom of a greater mountain
–>front raw to statistics meaning. 9 millions access to clean water.
class A activity–>Ways of thinking: rate based goals: 15 hardware prototypes per week: we are going to learn on behalf of humanity how these things will happen; i know exactly what this will look like
Failure: a little dark spot on your mind:
Planning for china:
–>shanghai: hacker space; Ideo; port;
–>hong Kong: hobby king ; maquin; cynthia. school;
–>schenzhen: seeed;
–> fly, motorbike, or boat to vietnam?
–>photos of japan and pitch : any footage?
We stayed up late working on slides:
Then we pulled down the river and saw the shanghai lights at around 4:30 am
Unreasonable at Sea days 20-24
And in case we get lost: We finally were ready and took a short nap
Then, we got off the boat, went through customs, and
met three guys who helped organize us and escort us to the pitch event: And carried our stuff in a heavy sac (ie protei was protected in a sleeping bag):
All the toilets are very nice and they have massage areas:
Finally we arrived at the event and were super hungry and hung out in a room and ate many treats before the event, but we also went for ramen:
here was the menu: and the shops are full of crazy colors:
Then the event started. Daniel introduced us: Keynote speaker:
The guy from Greenz: George and his (surprise!) twin brother:
Catlin went first: And ended up winning the BIG PRIzE ( a stuffed penguin
Here’s all our stuff that we were travelling with: Here’s dinner:
We waited at the trainstation to meet Cesar’s cousins:
We went to his cousin’s house for gyoza party. I loved making gyozas by hand. so fun.
Then we stayed at a hotel: Tokyo at night:
Day 21:
safecast, Tokyo University, Akihabara, Flying Tokyo
In the morning at 7 we met Joe Moross at Safecast. MORE ABOUT PROTEI+SAFECAST and our trip to FUKUSHIMA, COMING __
Planning our trip to Fukushima:
From their bike project:
MVI 6488 – Wi-Fi from gabriella levine on Vimeo.
Two days later, we ended up following this journey trip from Fukushima to Kyoto, on unmapped terrain:
And tried to figure out how we could make an underwaterenclosure:
Joe gave us his wifi hub and it saved us:
Biggest lesson: get one of these for travelling, & in each country get a sim card.
On the way to tokyo university we stopped at a small cafe to get some coffee and use the internet in order to prep some slides:
Look at how small the milk is:
Some photos from Tokyo University and hanging out with Alvaro Cassinelli:
on the way to Akihabara: !!!!
And you have to wait in a queue to get on the train it is so crazy neat and efficient
But ladies have their own queue: it is also super clean
SO MANY ITEMS and electronics:
and awesome motor shafts and couplers~~~~!!!! I was amazed.
So many BOXES and containers!! weird:
Then we went to FLYING TOKYO and presented PROTEI, with Zach Liebermann who presented his new projects.
Day 22:
many many f palette boards, And robots~!!
robot – Wi-Fi from gabriella levine on Vimeo.
And so cool to use playstation r/c:
TOWER – Wi-Fi from gabriella levine on Vimeo.
Then we went to hackerspace, grabbed some food in the grocery store, (fish on rice, funny fish snacks, and funny chips made of squid…), and went back to safeCast to get our sensors ready for the next day. Here’s a radioactive piece:
Here is the geiger counter we bought at akihabara:
high voltage medcom geiger board We adapted some connectors:
the spool of wire: finding our way for the morning:
Day 23:
Cesar prepped some radioactive cake And then we head off :
with the bgeigie kits on our cars. We almost crashed into the gate because the toll (EMT) card didnt work. On the way north to fukushima:
Instructions on everything even toilet paper:
bathroom break:
weird food:
two geiger counters on the window: yummy and crunchy:
huh? OK, so we finally pulled into fukushima:
Then we stopped at the port side to do some testing:
Desolate: Some gross stuff floating in the dirty water:
And here is where we are testing the water:
thermal plant
Setting up the stuff for testing:
putting the geiger counter in the water:
So after a successful test of the box then testing the geiger counter , and getting some exciting readings…
Here’s where we are: The authorities came:
the power plant in the background:
fire truck
vending machines:
crazy coffee machine:
And oden: weird soup:
dirty mags
DAY 24
After driving all night, we arrived in Kyoto. I drove the last 80 KM and also in the city It was a bit jarring driving on the left side of the road for the first time
We pulled into the parking garage, and Joe showed us how to use the SafeCast interface: . We unpacked the car:
I love the markets here, so many colors: After grabbing some food and treats, we hustled into Kyoto Institute of Technology. The professor who greeted us pointed out how dirty the car was. Radioactive dust from Fukushima heh.
We met with three professors. One works with hydrodynamics trying to optimize surfaces. He collaborated with a google manufacturer to optimize the surface.
And the tank for particle imaging.
Here’s a dragonfly robot that flies.
And another engineer is modeling systems used for controlling lunar robots: a control system for a gentle and robust “arm”.
Here is the famous tower in Kyoto: And a famous temple:
And then we finally head back to Kobe, and left from the port.
Some cute stuff I love:
funny fish:
How to use the toilet:
Remember don’t stand on the toilet (see bottom center).
I tried to try every item: even corn soup drink.
Unreasonable at Sea day 25
Today was a bit of logistics and catch up, as well as reflections
shanghai workshop: 3 min pitch; Event / dinner in shanghai afterwards
hong kong : on ship event 2-5 PM, hosted by tom
Introduction to new folks:
Cathy Rogers – global opportunities for IBM corporation
Role of women leaders; sustainability: patterns of abundant consumption, resource limitation, felt acutely by those in the developing market
-Founder of “rooted in hope” non profit -research, technology, innovation
-SAP, carly’s boss; SF bay area – palo alto; developer since ’99 working on web solutions; -start up focus program accelerator
Deanna: from xbox: first job: encarta : hired as an editor to summarize information about each country, microsoft, was a philosopher –
Passion was games; recently: kinect adventures – incubation project around the technology; meets our goals for the customers
incubating new technologies to bring together new tech and people
See who she can connect us with others from Microsoft
Tom Chi – now: rapid prototyping philosophy, rapid prototyping ; used to be: head of products UX yahoo search
EE with a focus in signal processing and robotics–design thinking / prototyping
National laptop battle champion; creating constraints in order to generate creativity
–>1. reflect and share your own personal experience
–>2. company experience
–>3. program experience
1. my own personal experience : personally, it was somewhat tiring. No, actually I expected it to be more tiring than that. just brainstorming: meeting with Alvarro was amazing, presenting at flying tokyo was really amazing because to me i like to be in settings with other designers and hackers who have done crazy technical stuff that have actually been contextualized ito really amazing outcomes that help people and do cool stuff that is super conceptually interesting using new technologies and appropriating old ones. So being with Zach Liebermann and alvarro and all the other super hard working guys doing super cool media arts is awesome; I’m also SUPER excited to have some new tech work to be doing – we got some F-Palette boards from FURO (doing amammamazing stuff that is both technically and visually amazing). Also: it was cool to eat lots of tiny japanese treats from lots of petrol station. For me also I am super excited to have done some stuff with SafeCast that might be useful – but moreover being able to successfully use the geiger counters in spaces that haven’t yet been tested is pretty cool. I guess the one thing I missed was like super crazy culture because all we were seeing was nerdy tech dudes. which is ok but I have to go back. I like tokyo – fast paced, efficient, clean, up all night. I liked making gyozas with Cesar’s cousin’s. hands on work with alvarro and with safe cast was awesome.
2. Company / 3. Program:
-company – i sort of already said: let’s think program – I think catlin brought up a great point that maybe it would be super cool if companies got together and had an opportunity to like, get together and hang out. I think that would allow people to get to know each other. The thing is organized events are sometimes annoying so I think it would have to be casual, but also for a point that would encourage us to go to for the reasons that we are here (i.e. a business event or something where other folks would be at that will be good for us / our companies). I think that the event was good but I actually felt that it wasn’t a spot where VC’s were hanging out and waiting for us to pitch so they could invest. Unless I missed that. Instead I thought it was more conceptual and therefore some more direct feedback on our talks and presentation I would have liked.
-I think that it was good to have one hour prior to talking to just grab food and walk around for 1 hour. i think?
-I think for us it was good to define the people that we’d like to meet in each city – media arts , included. And open source people doing applications; and academia / robotics; And people addressing some of the issues
–reflections together – only see expats: is that ok?
-language barriers – posters perhaps to help
-where could people find us and mingle after – stations ? stickers ?
-what to say afterwards, prioritize thank yous or we will receive a lot of mail
-knowing people before you get there would be helpful
-state before the logistics and planning for the port
-be specific about what you want and who you want to meet
-workshops / pitchs – help with different things – i think that workshops would help out a lot for cesar and i to see how our product could fit in with the global community
Unreasonable at Sea day 19
Worked out with 3 other girls, thought the water was gone on the ship but it ended up being ok for some reason. I wonder what happens that there is no water/brown water for a while, then things are fine.
Today we had a small workshop just to discuss the port event, then we worked on our 6-min pitch. It was super rocky today.
And there was a leak right outside my door and water had to get pumped out:
rockybaot from gabriella levine on Vimeo.
Unreasonable at Sea day 18
Workshop 10:
Gabriella Levine is an interactive artist and open-source hardware designer interested in the relationship between technology and ecology. She studied Biology and Piano at Cornell University and Oberlin College, then worked doing Cancer Research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine before abandoning the lab for the outdoors to become a wildland fire fighter based in Oregon. She holds a Masters degree in Design and Technology from ITP, Tisch School of the Arts, NYU. She creates sculptural and robotic works that mimic environmental phenomena and animal behavior. She is the COO of Protei Inc, manufacturing robotic flexible-hull sailboats, and President of Open-H2O, a global community and New York based non-profit, developing ocean preservation innovations.
Since 2010, Levine has exhibited work internationally including Ars Electronica, MIT Media Lab, and the American Museum of Natural History. Former startups include WEEELS, developing a cell phone application for taxi sharing and transport solutions, and Star_lab, the Social Transit Research Lab. She received the 2012 Prix Ars Electronica Hybrid Arts Award, Artist in Residence at Instructables, the NYU Task Force Green Grant, the Gulfstream Navigator Savannah Ocean Exchange Grant, and was named Woman of the Hour top 24 women in Tech in 2011 by Limor Fried,Adafruit Industries. She teaches at various New Media institutions, and has presented globally at Symposia and Lectures including the Open Hardware Summit 2011 (NYC) and Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design. Her work has been written up in Wired, CNN, Vice Magazine, NY1, and Scientific American.
Currently, she is part of a radical experiment, travelling around the world as a fellow of the Unreasonable At Sea program, representing Protei in over 14 different ports worldwide.
Is this a good bio?
The ship had to take temperature of everyone on the ship before entering Tokyo. I wonder what would happen if we didn’t, like “pass”. Would they quarantine the entire ship Mine was : 97.4
Then more work on the sensor / boat, trying to integrate a GPS.
And put a dat logger on and got it in a box:
Some more intenns helped us out work with it.
But it was also SUPPER rocky on the ship… and in the morning tomorrow when I woke up we actually thought we ran out of water because there was no water in the sinks except for brown stuff, and I excersized with Jesse, Oli, and Shawna and thought I wouldn’t be able to shower afterwards; We thought we overheard the kitchen say that they were frantically boiling water. Well , it did actually seem ok later.
Unreasonable at Sea day 17
Here’s women’s night from 2 nights ago
I got the photos from Larissa of Protei on stage
more to come…
And a fireside chat, with Daniel :
It was really interesting:
A few takeaways: Pretty much cheated my way through school, if he didn’t think he was going to get anything out of the course
Did you ever have a job? he smashed something in the garage of his parents house and had to get a job at “renta yenta” to get some quick cash
Lack of freedom to do what you think is best
-Anyway, it was a really interesting talk to hear that really the “itch” to be an entrepreneur is about making possible what seems impossible.
And using the geiger counter from sparkfun:
And I heard a banana near the geiger counter will recognize radioactivity.
It did not so much work.
And .. now we have to get together the electronics and motors
Unreasonable at Sea day 16
What to report:
Cesar stayed up and made some progress on the hull of the boat.
The only thing to recall about Workshop 8 is:
get your stuff done on time;
DO your:–>2 pager
Meet the scholars who want to work with us – we talked to Mimi and another girl named Emma is going to help us out too. She is a sculptor.
Cesar and I were working on our 2 pager.
Here it is so far…
Feel free to comment on it.
And: we also did our customs clearance forms.
And more planning for Japan.
Unreasonable at Sea day 15
We stayed up all night working on the slides;
And finished them by 10 AM as needed.
I saw the sunrise.
We picked up our packet for customs clearance. ANd I’m filling it in now
Then… we took a short nap, and unfortunately I slept through a really exciting meeting with the biology professors on board. It seemed like there was a really cool conversation that happened between them and Cesar about transforming the MV Explorer into a “Ship of Opportunity” : so adding a wet lab, being able to take samples and do sensing from the waters, developing a type of trolling net that can be pulled behind hi speed cruises, measuring mercury in the waters by measuring it in fish or other live samples; Or also doing some NOAA inspired tests, that involve mostly observations;
Then… super cool – we got into the 2nd floor workspace and started working!!
On the battery packs and electronics.
Then I did that thing that was : “women in business day” ie had dinner with the ladies. Was funny.
Unreasonable at Sea day 14
Protei’s goals,
to be reevaluated as a debrief after each port: We will either readjust our goals, or readjust the list to better meet our goals.
A.BUSINESS and STRATEGY – environment and market impact:
1. product: get the product out 2. commercial website
3. community website
4. marketing / communication
5. business strategy to make open hardware profitable / sustainable
6. Explore local access to r&d equipment and manufacturing, headquarters
a. prototyping
b. manufactuinrg
c. access to water
d. costs of living
e. friers family
f. legal / banking / founding
g. language
h. community, networking, inspiration, culture
1. connection to our community to help redefine the product 2. sponsors
3. partners for research (academics)
4. manufacturing & distribution
5. Potential Protei team members
1. build prototypes 2. test in diff waters
3. field work: testing in hawaii, radioactivity in japan, fisheries in ghana, water preservation / cleanliness in cape town
Notes: put your guests or desired guests on Cynthia’s spread sheet, for each port
Carly Cooper on GOALS:
Positive impacts in ports, penetration into local markets, collective entrepreneurship, form partnerships, reinventing capitalism and global markets
-awareness: what we’re going about social business, global awareness of enterprise, social entrepreneurship; through press
-new incubation models, success for enterprise,
-on board partnerships, relationships, both on board and off board
-global markets, awareness, incubation, and partnerships
now we will go into COMPANY goals
–>INCUBATION/STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: We will learn the strategy for moving forwards on a successful strategic plan ; open source hw sustainable business model
–>As we’ve discussed:
–>commercial website,
–>community website: centralized info / knowledge on our tech;
–>Marketing and Communication: local and global marketplace(online and for the product)
–>PARTNERSHIPS FOR FUNDRAISING: we need a founding sponsor or some source of $ to come on board and help get Protei into reality;
–>EXHIBIT AND ENGAGE: We will develop three prototypes for each port and we will get the attention of future potential customers; We will exhibit it and engage with locals
–>COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTT: as we outreach and meet many
–>LEARN LOCAL NEEDS: see the needs of scientists, locals, environmentalists, hobbyists: scale the product to fit the needs, or redefine the design to fit the solution
–>READJUST PRODUCT TO FIT THE NEEDS (through meeting the lead scientists in the fields of marine research & cleanup)
–>EXPLORE LOCAL MARKETS: for equipment, for the concentrating community who will help us develop, and for manufacturing
Goals are important to write out
CONSTRAINTS often help creativity
SMART: specific measurable attainable results-oriented time-focused
write up community goals for japan
1. get three stories in the media pre port to get people to the japan event
2. get some (how many – 3) stories in the media: instead, write : After the japan port, ensure there are at least three stores in the media
3. ensure key connectors in social business and PR to the event in Japan, by validating event list by tonight
4. Ensure every company is prepared to evangelize in japan, pitch presentations prepared and practiced, and media assets prepared
and Successful business incubation / acceleration
1. workshop on one pagers
PARTNERSHIPS(SAS, friends, business contacts)
1. workshop on business practices in japan, including who are the VCs and what is important to them
2. Sharing contacts made during the event and making introductions
IMPACT(local, global)
1. after the japan port, ensure there are at least three store sin the media
2. ensure everyone has gyshido to follow up with contacts and individuals
-Follow up with contacts or individuals
1. PITCH: slides (address our needs)
2. Documentation: 1-2 pager
3. prototype
4. SAFECAST – partnership, Qualcomm, Nissan – sponsorship, tokyo university robotics lab: demo / small workshop – technology, fukushima exploration / testing/ taking to people, akihabara electronics, business documentation, pitch, meet with cesar’s family
Optionals:Website, business plan
–>So here is our proposed schedule for Japan:
27 th Sunday
8:00 : arrival in Yokohama
Custom Clearance
13:00 Depart from Yokohama to Tokyo by train
13:00 – 14:00 : Tokohama – Tokyo by train
14:00 – 21:30 : Pitch session in Tokyo, Digital Garage
21:30 – 22:00 : Commute to Azusa & Taichiro
22:00 – 23:59 : diner / drinks party with Takeo / Katagiri Family
28th Monday
7:00 – 9:00 : Meeting with Safecast Joe Moross Tokyo Hacker space
9:30 – 11:30 : Tokyo University Presentation
11:30 – 12:30 : Lunch with Alvaro Cassinelli
13:00 – 16:30 : Akihabara
17:30 : 18:30 : GK Tech / Mastsue / Iwamasa in Shibuya
Evening of 28th : Open, probably and do some work
29th Tuesday
9:00 – 12:30 Nissan Headquarters in Yokohama
13:00 – 15:00 : FuRo Yokohama
16:00 – 18:00 Miraikan, Odaiba
19:00 – 23:00 : Tokyo to Fukushima
30th Wednesday
5:30 : Fukushima Expedition
NOT ATTENDING Kyoto University Workshop
20:00 – 6:00 AM NEXT DAY : Night train
31st Thursday
6:00 – 9:00 : Walk around Kyoto
9:00 – 14:00 : Kyoto Institute of technology
14:00 – 16:00 : Kyoto to Kobe
18:00 Ship gates close
20:00 Departure
And: maybe a really cool part of the day was doing the “deck of cardS” workout with daniel and about 10 guys: here is the rules: black cards: do as many push ups as on the card; Ace is fifteen; my minimum was 10; Red cards: do as many pull ups; my minimum was 4, but got lowered usually .
2 is stretch; queen is do abs til you’re pumped.
So fun. Maybe 15 guys were doing it together.
Then we had another meeting with students and Cesar and I presented our run through slide deck for the slides due for japan. they were due at ten tomorrow but funny thing is only three groups got them in on time. Cesar and I ended up staying up all night working on the deck.
Then we had “town hall”:
how have you adapted or evolved ? and how would you like to adapt or evolve going forwards? (Oh and, how would you like the program to evolve?)
I have honed in on a weakness and i want to change that: how to tell a story that people like; how can I practice this?
Funky Love, a tactic used by the Nike Foundation to give constructive critique, taught to us by the guys at Nike Foundation;
Then came Pedro’s surprise party;
Then Cesar and I worked on the slides for Japan
Unreasonable at Sea day 13
Woke up, saw the sun rise, it was super today, poking brightly out from behind the horizon. It was nice.
Workshop 6:
Shira and Cynthia: in port logistics: best estimate about getting off the ship is 1 pm in Japan
-3 PM to 8PM Tokyo event – Yokohama to Tokyo, train back : Major VC’s, MIT media lab, 200+ person venue; business casual to business
-Tokyo = simultaneous translation – know the audience; showcase your business strategy to date
DANIEL: the art of powerful relationships: Networking
Out of the office is where relationships really flourish
-networking is perceived as slimy,
It’s about being human…
Act as if they’re the most interesting person in the room and it’s your job to find out WHY
Robert frost: we all have an irresistible desire to be desired
BEST deal, in an email plea: is to say i’m blindly confident that you are that persona and would insider it a privilege to better get to know you (even for just 15 minutes)
I am looking to meet people whoa are leaders in the field of bla bla bla
LISTEN is super important; body language changes how you listen and how others feel compared to you
GO STRAIGHT into vulnerability, and what you DONT know: what is the diff between perception and reality
Brene Brown, watch the ted talk: be vulnerable, transparent, stoked. I disagree with some of this
What if you lose your energy to tell the same story over and over again
how do you remind yourself that it is so interesting
Recovery time is the secret to being a great athlete
-mismatch between what you love and what the world thinks you love it
How to build relationships with people, that isn’t just over a transaction but can lead to deeper transactions
Be yourself: don’t follow a formula
Ask for help, totally necessary – game where they put people blindfolded into a horse bin and they could only get out if they got help;Always give myself something to follow up on, continue a conversation, like george costaza, follow up until you get an answer; please please forgive me, we value persistence in the face of potential failure – and we would be so thrilled to..
Take aways – make a deliverable, bullet point, then follow up
Say Thank You
Then we had a meeting with Daniel, and it was super helpful. For Japan we need:
1. a pitch (6’40”);
2. a 2 pager on Protei, including our marketing pitch for taking on a partner / sponsor
3. a prototype
We are allowed to use the 2nd floor to develop the prototypes; this is amazing, truly.
Then we had a meeting with the students:
Unreasonable at Sea day 11
We will be stopping in honolulu at 12:00 just to refuel the boat, but Cesar and I have been trying desperately to make SURE that our prototypes get onto the ship.
Debrief tomorrow about Hawaii: but tonight is a big night. The Union will be filled with 400 people: this is your chance to tell the entire ship what you do and why you do it. Slides automatically change in real time. 6 mins and 40 secs, 20 slides, 20 secs each
–>Story: any one of those models can be told in a story telling way.
Some hints:
SIMPLE as possible slides: no more than 3 words
NO bullet points
symbols or quick slides (i.e. a relationship : kissing kids)
if you quote somebody: just get a picture of somebody, not the real quote
-Doesn’t have to be really accurate (ie the highlander institute that isn’t really the highlander institute)
Founder of Ignite giving an ignite talk about how to give an ignite talk (youtube).
–>Now: 1 hour to storyboard
-work on what you want people to remember; think of each slide as a newspaper headlining
-Encourage audience to cheer and be a part of that experience (supportive room)
hints: you can put two of the same slides on two slides (hack the system)
practice first, then build the material
And finally ours:
Which felt like it went quite well;
After the presentation:
we got a number of students who came up to us to try to help out. it was neat. We pulled out all of our garbage trash:
And then we had another great dance party in the lounge. It is interesting that we end up in these circle dance parties where One person is in the center and everyone is on the periphery. We even did the train in a circle a few times. heh.